Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

Which payment methods are accepted in the Online Shop?

We accept most of credit cards. We also accept payment by bank transfer ( Transferencia Bancaria) e PIX!

I want to make a larger purchase to re-sell the products in Brazil, can I get a better deal?

Yes! To customers that want re-sell our supplements in Brazil! Just contact us to request more information.

What are the delivery charges for orders from the Online Shop?

Estimated time: 10 to 15 business days International mail is subject to delays depending on the time of year. Holidays such as Christmas, Carnival and Holy Week may also be delayed

How do I track my order ?

It is very simple. Click the link to get updated information about your order! Whenever we ship orders, you will receive an email with the tracking code. If it’s not in your inbox, please check your spam inbox. If you haven’t received the email, click here to track your order!

Send us an email

EMAIL: [email protected]

WHATSAPP: +1 (786) 632-4094


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